A concert-performance dedicated to Roma traditions and culture was held on April 6 (Thursday) in DG "Zdravets" #11 in Blagoevgrad. The festive celebration is part of "Roma Pride - Days of Roma Pride and Culture", organized by the Municipality of Blagoevgrad in connection with the celebrations of the International Roma Day, which is celebrated every year on April 8.
During the event, more than 30 children and youth were honored for achievements in the fields of education, science, arts and sports.
The anthem of the Roma "Dzhelem, dzhelem" gave a symbolic start to the festive program, in which TF "Astra", TF "Silvana dance", graduates of DG 2 "St. Bogoroditsa", DG 6 "Happy Childhood", DG 11 "Zdravets", students from Blagoevgrad schools, as well as children from the Center for Personal and Creative Development of Children of Blagoevgrad (CLTRDB).
Popular Roma holidays and customs were also presented.
The stage also featured performances by Sonya Mihailova, Lyubka Kovachka and Sergey Dimitrov.
"Thank you to all the children, young people, teachers who have put in a lot of work so that we can witness an extravaganza of beauty. The Roma community can always count on direct engagement in my person. The idea is to work together, to live together, for the sake of all the children of Blagoevgrad," said Mayor Ilko Stoyanov.
На събитието присъстваха още Мария Петрова, заместник-кмет по икономика, финанси и европейски проекти, Силвия Домозетска, директор на Дирекция „Култура, спорт и туризъм“ към Община Благоевград, Мария Грозданова, директор на Дирекция „Европейски проекти и програми“, Миглена Михайлова, представител на Сдружение “Л.И.Д.Е.Р.-Личности идеи и действия за ефективни решения“, Емилия Георгиева, директор на ДГ 11 “Здравец“, Славка Джаркова, директор на ДГ „Св. Богородица“, Екатерина Янчева, директор на ДГ „Щастливо детство“, Богдана Костадинова, директор на ЦЛТРДБ, , родители, представители на общинска администрация.
On April 7 (Friday) at 11:00 a.m. in hall No. 5 in the Blagoevgrad Municipality building, a round table will be held on the topic: "Traditions, culture and customs of the Roma community".
The initiatives are under the project "Integrated measures for the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in the municipality of Blagoevgrad" in implementation of the Grant Agreement No. Д03-14/11.04.2022, number from ISUN BGLD-3.002-0015-C01, financed under the Program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups" 2014-2021 through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.