
в официалната уеб страница на проект №BGLD-3.002-0015-C01 от 11.04.2022 г. „Интегрирани мерки за приобщяване и овластяване на Ромите в община Благоевград“ Проектът се финансира от програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвими групи“, чрез Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство 2014 – 2021.

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Project description

The current program for educational integration of children and students from the Roma community /ПОИДУРО/ of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad is an example of readiness in the preparation and implementation of integration policies. The program has been drawn up in accordance with the current strategic and operational national documents of the central departments, as well as, complying with the policy for equal opportunities for all Bulgarian citizens. The municipal program is based on the principles noted in the following normative documents:


Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe!


The Roma in the Blagoevgrad municipality are concentrated in the city of Blagoevgrad, with only 23 people identifying themselves as Roma in the villages of the municipality.

The following two tables present statistical data on the Roma population on the territory of the municipality of Blagoevgrad. Table 1 presents the Roma ethnic group by age groups on the territory of the municipality of Blagoevgrad as of February 1, 2011. Table 2, on the other hand, shows the population of Roma origin aged 7 and over by degree of completed education

Table 1: Total number of the Roma population in Blagoevgrad Municipality - 1836
380 people aged between 0 - 9
289 people aged 30 - 39 years
67 people aged between 60 - 69
360 people aged between 10 - 19
224 people aged between 40 - 49
34 people aged between 70 - 79
324 people aged between 20 - 29
151 people aged between 50 - 59
7 people aged 80+
Table 2: Total population of people of Roma origin aged 7 and over by degree of completed education - 1,566
Higher Education - 19
High School Diploma - 166
Secondary Education - 556
Primary Education - 394
Unfinished primary - 302
No formal education - 119

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe!

Always socially oriented

One of our main priorities here in the municipality of Blagoevgrad, is to be close to the people. The program for educational integration of children and students from the Roma community is exactly that - bringing the local government closer to the people who need support the most. Any such relationship requires a dialogue between the administration and the local community. For this reason, in the lower section you can leave your inquiry as well as find links to the social networks of the municipality of Blagoevgrad.

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Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


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